- Betűméret: Nagyobb Kisebb
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In the 3rd round of the Quendi competition, one of the creative tasks was the writing of 3 limericks. The people and places referred to had to be from Tolkien's works of fiction, and at least one of them from the first three ages of Middle-earth. We were amazed to find that Treebeard became the only character starring in more than one limerick!
Alagos Calen: |
Pippin strolls in Hobbiton with his pipe-weed ration, looking at the sky makes smoke circles and he doesn't think about obstacles, so he’ll fall before the destination. |
In the Old Forest Goldberry walks singing when suddenly it starts raining, thunder covers her song with loud noise "the sky hides my wrong notes with poise" the River-Daughter smiles thinking. |
Treebeard was looking for beside Forest of Fangorn a young rose 90 years early born, after five weeks of searching he remembered that the young plant many years earlier was transferred, finally with 3 years of late he found her and she stung him with a thorn. |
Daeron Vardamir: |
Tevildo, Prince of Cats, in his tower on every mortal man use his Power but the Elven lady arrive at the target and her play he will don't forget crashes the tower and Tevildo Is over! |
In Angband, seeing his leg, Morgoth think and think, he can't forgot Fingolfin is on the ground it's the final of the round, but he hewed his foot with the last shot! |
In Nargothrond, the king of the elves quarrel with the Belegost' dwarves; they crave the silmaril gem and say that it's a work of them: thingol is slain by the dwarves selves! |
Erevanur: |
There once was a hobbit of the Shire Who’s plan for his life did backfire He traveled with Thorin To lands quite foreign And returned with a ring he acquired. |
There once was a man from Gondor Who carried a silver tipped horn He met his end Defending his friends And from the White Tower was seen nevermore. |
There once was a lady from Rivendell To Hope she gave her heart well They plighted their troth And she made him a cloth Now happily in Gondor they did dwell. |
Isilmírë: |
In Aman was born the horse Nahar, The splendid and fine steed of Valar. He was Orome’s mount On whom he could count On all of his journeys near and far. |
Windfola, a warhorse from Rohan Carried to battlefield the one Who did Witch King slay And therefore he may Be called a fine aide to that woman. |
Stybba, the Rohanian pony Was not lazy or phony. She never tarried And Merry she carried Better than big horses any. |
Syrg: |
The Shire is really proud of Frodo He was really a kind of go-go Took his precious heirloom To the fiery Mount Doom And Sauron was dead as the dodo. |
In Angband there lived Ancalagon He was a black and fearsome dragon But just don’t be afraid He met Eärendil’s blade So just drink some mead from a flagon! |
In Fangorn Forest there lived Treebeard He was not born just simply appeared It was quite an anguish To hear him speak Entish A language one might find a bit weird. |
Tengwestiendil: |
Lúthien was indeed a fair lady Beren stalked from a place shady cats and dogs around their story's profound I will read even when I'm eighty |
Sam loves his dear Rosie Cotton and every time he tries to unbutton Mr. Frodo comes to mind so he has to rewind though Baggins won't be forgotten |
In the Woodland realm lived the Elvenking whose life many of us happily sing but if we saw them straight his eyes would clearly state no songs for him unless we have a ring |